Friday, September 11, 2009

THE CREATION OF WEALTH – The Tatas from the 19th to the 21st Century

Foreword By J.R.D. Tata

Epilogue by Ratan N. Tata

Not many books are in demand a quarter century after its first publication. The Creation of Wealth is. The 4th Edition updates the Tata Story upto over a decade of the stewardship of Mr. Ratan Tata.

There is a difference

between making money

for oneself and creating

wealth for others.

This is the story of a House

that has created wealth for a Nation.

It is the story of struggle,

anxiety, adventure,


An unfinished story…………”

Late Mr. J.R.D. Tata in a Foreword to the book writes:“Books written on the history of large industrial or business concerns usually suffer fro a lack of credibility or reader interest, or both. I am glad that Russi Lala has successfully avoided both these pitfalls. Not only has he narrated the Tata story in a highly readable form which arouses and maintains the reader’s interest in what might have been a dull subject in less skilful hands, but he has brought out into the open important and controversial issues which needed to be clarified in the context of the great changes in thought and attitudes towards the world of industry and business that have taken place in the past fifty years or so, not always for the better.”

The Epilogue by Mr. Ratan Tata concludes:

“I would hope that my successors would never compromise and turn to soft options to meet their ends, and never allow the Tata group to join the growing number of companies in India which have shed their values, forgotten about their integrity, and closed their eyes to maintaining ethical standards. If Mr. J.R.D. Tata was able to uphold the values of the firm and if I have been able to carry on that tradition through my tenure, I hope the future generations in Tatas will recognize these traditions as being critical to the fabric and the fundamentals on which our group was built and grew so successfully for over a century.”

The Commonwealth Lawyer, Journal of the Commonwealth Lawyer’s Association, writes:

“Lala captures the ethos of the Tata business approach with striking vividity. What emerges from the book is a remarkable story of wealth creation for the public which, in our increasingly cynical stage, might yet open a few eyes to the highly beneficial potential of ethical capitalism.

1 comment:

  1. It is a Great Inspiring Book. I happened to buy the book when the book was released in Bangalore sometime in 1982 or 83 and autographed by the author R M Lala. Wg Cdr (Retd) Thomas Verghese
